Bones - 10/28/2018
EZEKIEL 37:1-14.
Who Let the Dogs Out - 2/17/2018
E.B. WHITE, "Training a Dog."
Diary - 8/2/2015
EUGEN ROSENSTOCK-HUESSY, excerpt from Out of Revolution: Autobiography of Western Man.
Bargain - 4/4/2015
From the Bible, Genesis chapters 18 and 19.
Work - 9/1/2013
CHARLES FRAZIER, exceprt from Cold Mountain.
Here There By Dragons - 1/20/2012
CHRIS MURPHY, "Here There Be Dragons".
Dark - 10/22/2011
BIBLE, Isaiah 42:5-9 and
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Henry V prologue to Act IV.
Villians - 9/11/2010
JOHN TAYLOR GATTO, excerpt from Underground History of American Education.
Heroes - 4/10/2010
BIBLE (AUTHORIZED VERSION OF 1611), Hebrews, Chapter XI and
T. S. ELIOT, excerpts from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."
"Dear John"/Lover Letters - 2/12/2010
CONRAD AIKEN, "Music I Heard with You."
"The Philosopher," and
Oh, think not I am faithful to a vow!
Disasters - 1/15/2010
WILL GRIGG, excerpt from Global Gun Grab.
The Beat Goes On - 9/5/2009
GARY SNYDER, "Logging" from Myths and Texts.
Vice Verse - 2/24/2009
GEORGE HERBERT, "The Pulley" and
Winter - 1/11/2009
CORMAC McCARTHY, introductory paragraphs from The Road.
Burns Night - 1/27/2008
Toast to the President of the U.S. and Governor of Massachusetts
Toast to the Lasses.
Ghosts - 10/31/2007
RICHARD WEAVER on the Southern Ghost.
Souls - 10/29/2006
ANDREW MARVELL, "A Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure."