
Friday, November 14, 2008, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

At David and Mary's Place

Jean Blair

  • SUKETU MEHTA, "Bollywood Confidential" from New York Times Sunday Magazine, November 14, 204.

    Carolyn Jackson

  • CHRIS ANDERSON, excerpt about the dispersed market in America for Bollywood films from The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More .

    Chris Morgan

  • Played guitar while all sang along to "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" by NOËL COWARD and "Mad Dogs and Indians" a parody by PETER ROWETT

    Maria Paige

  • Read strange facts about the Oscars and Hollywood.

    Jeffrey Quinlan

  • GEORGE MICHELSEN FOY, selections from "Bollywood shuffle: A white actor tries to break into Hindi film," from Harpers Magazine, October 2008.
  • Bill Tarnowski

  • WILLIAM TARNOWSKI, De Verbis Indiis.

    Juanita Tarnowski

  • KATHERINE HEPBURN, excepts about entering the motion picture industry (including unwitting snubbing of Mary Pickford) and about her friendship with Spencer Tracy from her autobiography Me,

    Mary DiZazzo Trumbull

  • NITOO DAS, poems, "The Lover Imagines," "The Pebble and the Sea," "Pencil," "Vase," "Scissors," "Razor," "Written after a visit to an electric crematorium."

    David Trumbull

  • HELEN BANNERMAN, the tale of a local native Indian boy who was very brave, very cleaver, very resourceful, and good to his parents, Little Black Sambo.

    Jean Wilson

  • RICHMAL CROMPTON, excerpt about the village literary society's attempt to raise funds to buy a cinematograph, from William the Good.
  • Click on photos to see full size