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Alan Browne

Wall - 11/22/2014

  • RUDYARD KIPLING, "A Smuggler's Song".

    Ghosts - 10/31/2007

  • ROBERT BENCHLEY, "Uncle Edith's Ghost Story."

    Baseball - 4/23/2006

  • ERNEST LAURENCE THAYER (Massachusetts poet), Casey at the Bat (1888).

    Anniversaries - 3/26/2006

  • MITCH ALBOM, selections from Five People You Meet in Heaven.

    Food for Thought - 11/29/2003

  • DAN PRESSNELL, "My Horrible Dining Experience at IHOP in Killeen."

    Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll - 8/18/2003

  • PHILIP NORMAN, Shout: The Beatles in Their Generation.

    Idylls of March - 3/1/2003

  • H. ALLEN SMITH, chapter "Barefoot up to Her Chin" (Sally Rand) from Low Man on the Tottem Pole.
  • Heat up Your Holidays - 12/14/2002

  • JOHN WATERS, "Why I Love Christmas" from Crackpot (read with D. Trumbull).

    A Chill up Your Spine - 10/27/2002

  • Selection from Silent City on a Hill: Boston's Grave Situation.

    Symposium - 7/2/2002

  • "Women through the eyes of a Greek."

    Dante and Chianti - 6/3/2002

  • MARK TWAIN, selection from Innocents Abroad.

    Poetry and Potation - 4/30/2002

  • H. ALLEN SMITH, selection "Stranded on a Davenport" from Low Man on the Tottem Pole.

    Expose Yourself to Literature - 5/26/2001

  • THOMAS PAINE, letter to George Washington.