Janet Buda
SUSAN COOPER, excerpts from The Dark is Rising.
David Herder
T.S. ELIOT, "East Coker" (second of the Four Quartets, Part 3 and
JOSEPH CONRAD, excerpt from Heart of Darkness.
Chris Murphy
BIBLE, Isaiah 42:5-9 and
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Henry V prologue to Act IV.
Maria Paige
The story of the "Black Angel" statue in Oakland Cemetery, Iowa City, Iowa
(from www.scaryforkids.com/black-angel).
Mary Trumbull
DANTE ALIGHIERI, beginning of Inferno (canto i, "unsa selva oscura") from The Divine Comedy and
Memorable lines from the 1966 television "soap opera" Dark Shadows.
David Trumbull
BIBLE, The Gospel According to Saint John, Chapter 1, Verses 1-5 and 9-14 in Greek and in
the English of the Authorized Version.